Photographers and Exhibitions 2021

VIVA LATINA!  is the theme of the 2021 Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo. It will present photographs from Latin America that reflect the complexity of the continent’s history, full of revolutions and hopes, its jumble of traditions, in which dreams of the West mingle with shamanistic world views; as well as the fervour of its society, shaped by violence and a powerful joy of life. Whether they come from Brazil, Ecuador, Chile, Mexico or Argentina, all photographers of our Festival are firmly rooted in everyday life. They capture the diversity of the people on this continent, explore the urban chaos and lament the damage done to nature – and they do this poetically, creatively and humorously. But above all, they stand for photographic art full of energy and inventiveness.

The Festival will also celebrate the biodiversity of our planet. The World Conservation Congress of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) was to be held in Marseille in mid-June 2020, to be followed by the COP15 of the UN Convention on Biodiversity in Kunming, China, in October. But the ongoing pandemic shredded the schedule and these two events, so essential for the protection of our ecosystems, were postponed to 2021. We have adapted to this change and will present exhibitions in 2021 that were created by some of the best photographers in the world to document the essence and importance of biodiversity on our planet. They want to help connecting people more deeply with the realm of nature.

As a special service in this second covid year 2021, we offer you the festival catalogue and the festival plan as well as the festival book as free downloads: Download here.

To visualize these two highly complex narrative strands, 22 photographers, six photographer collectives and 16 Lower Austrian schools are taking part, in a humanist frame of mind, appealing to peace, tolerance and togetherness: Emmanuel Honorato Vázquez, Sebastião Salgado, Marcos López, Luisa Dörr, Cássio Vasconcellos, Carolina Arantes, Pablo Corral Vega, Tomás Munita, Carl de Souza, Pedro Pardo, Martin Bernetti, Greg Lecoeur, Nadia Shira Cohen, Emmanuel Berthier, David Bart, Coline Jourdan, Sébastien Leban, Ulla Lohmann, Catalina Martin-Chico, Pascal Maitre, Éric Valli and Lois Lammerhuber.

Visitor Center

Tourist Information Baden
Brusattiplatz 3, 2500 Baden bei Wien

MON – WED, FRI, SUN: 10.00 – 16.00 hrs
THU, SAT: 10.00 – 18.00 hrs
Open also on public holidays!
Tel: +43 (0) 2252 86800 600

Festivalbüro La Gacilly-Baden Photo
Tel: +43 (0) 2252 42269