
The Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo should like to express their special thanks to Mrs. Johanna Mikl-Leitner, Governor of Lower Austria, to Mr. Stefan Szirucsek, mayor of the city of Baden, all departments of the city of Baden, our sponsors and partners as well as the providers of technical equipment. Without their invaluable support our Festival would not have been possible.

We should like to thank the following house owners for allowing us to display exhibits on the walls of their buildings: Roman Dopler, Sparkasse Baden; Josef Enderlin, Cafe-Konditorei Ullmann; Axel Gebauer und Laszlo Krizmanics, Röntgen am Ring; Freiwillige Feuerwehr Baden Weikersdorf; Günther Schützl; Karl Kristian Goedde; Harald Brandstätter, Congress Casino Baden; Sonja Happenhofer, BG und BRG Frauengasse; Martina Malzer, Stadttheater Baden; Christian Prokopp; Manfred Schneider, Annamühle; Manfred Barton, Strandbad; Markus Trocki, Marktamt; Herwig Troyer, Immobilien Baden; Doris Walter, Römertherme; Otto Wolkerstorfer, Pfarrschule, Catalin Dinica, unit2bau and Paul Gessl, NÖKU.

Last but not least, I should like to thank above all my friend Pascal Maitre for introducing me first to Jacques Rocher and later to the whole team in La Gacilly. Without their trust the vision of this pan-European cultural project would never have been achieved. Thanks to all of you this dream has come true.

Un grand merci à vous tous.
Lois Lammerhuber


Als das Naturunternehmen Österreichs betreuen die Österreichischen Bundesforste jeden zehnten Quadratmeter des Landes. Sie pflegen, schützen und bewirtschaften die natürlichen Ressourcen der Republik Österreich – Seen, Wälder, Berge – im Sinne der Nachhaltigkeit: Der Natur wird nur so viel entnommen, wie wieder nachwächst.

Honorable Mention

The following group of people has decided to support Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo 2024.
They want to show their commitment to art, the festival,
the city of Baden and the management of the festival.

The Foto Festival Baden association gratefully accepted this generous help to offset 47 tCO2e using Gold Standard Carbon Credits from the Ibanda-Makera Forest Cook Stove Project, which plans to distribute over 70,000 improved Canarumwe cooking stoves to rural households in the Kirehe district in the southeast of Rwanda: https://www.eecaustria.at/2024-101en

Alain François Marcel de Krassny, Alfred Berger, Andreas Wismek, Annemarie Herzog, Bernhard Schatz, Birgit Wimmer, Christian Konrad, Christian Prokopp, Christoph Kindermann, Elisabeth & Kurt Jerabek, Evelyn Schlag & Freddy Lichtenschopf, Familie Gerhard Skoff & Brigitte Kössner-Skoff, Gerhard Sokol, Günter Steurer, Hans Schmid, Hemma Cuny-Pierron & Axel Gebauer, Heribert Lipp-Terler, Isabella & Karl Knall, Isolde & Dieter Bornemann, Johannes Slach, Karin Reichspfarrer-Schörg & Christian Schörg, Katja & Walter Zinggl, Leopold Kogler, Lukas Göbl, Manfred Berger, Markus Hutschinski, Michael Grossauer, Michael Pilz, Michael Seidl, Michael Staudinger, Monika & Gerhard Writzmann, Norbert Pfaffelmeyer, Peter Lammerhuber, Petra Gerscher & Robert Dittmayer, Robert Ivancich, Sabine Nedwed, Silvia & Rudolf Brandt, Verena Sonnleitner

Un grand merci à vous tous. 
Lois Lammerhuber


Visitor Center

Tourist Information Baden
Brusattiplatz 3, 2500 Baden bei Wien

MON – WED, FRI, SUN: 10.00 – 16.00 hrs
THU, SAT: 10.00 – 18.00 hrs
Open also on public holidays!
Tel: +43 (0) 2252 86800 600

Festivalbüro La Gacilly-Baden Photo
Tel: +43 (0) 2252 42269