The finissage of the Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo ended with standing ovations!
We look forward to the edition 2019 with the theme „Hymn to the Earth“.
Festival La Gacilly-Baden Photo 2019: 1. June to 30 September 2019.
I LOVE AFRICA will be succeeded from 1 June to 30 September 2019 by HYMN TO THE EARTH. For the 15th anniversary of our partner festival La Gacilly, the curators have chosen The World as its theme. Contemporary photography depicts the state of our world, its unique beauty as well as the threats to the blue planet and to humanity. It ranges from Thomas Pesquets’ photographic observations during his 196 days as an astronaut on the international space station ISS, when he orbited the earth, to Spike Walker’s millionfold enlargements of life as viewed through a microscope.
“From my space ship I had the best possible point from which to view the earth,” Thomas Pesquet remarked enthusiastically – “its beauty and all its treasures, but also its vulnerability.”