The core structure of this humanistically orientated festival is the Festival Association. It is responsible for the artistic and organisational concept, develops the planning and execution of the exhibitions, takes care of the graphic design of all print products, links marketing, PR and media work into a close-meshed communication strategy, organises all events, looks after the artists and searches for supporters, sponsors and partners. The association is linked to the municipality of Baden and the Festival Photo La Gacilly through contracts.
In order to be able to organise the La Gacilly-Baden Photo Festival every year with free admission, the association needs YOUR support.
If you like what we do, we would be delighted to receive your donation.
Your donation
By clicking you will be taken to the external payment page of STRIPE.
You can donate anonymously or by name.

All donations in favour of Verein Foto Festival Baden, Dumbagasse 9, 2500 Baden, ZVR number 1827268623; Contact: