Thomas Füngerlings documented the media weekend for the weekly52 blog and produced an almost four-hour audio/video guide to the festival with statements from all the photographers.
On the media weekend of the La Gacilly-Baden Photo Festival, a crowd of almost 200 photographers, journalists and sponsors travelled through all the exhibitions on an 8(!) hour tour. A fascinating afternoon full of empathy, knowledge, inspiration, solidarity and respect. Norbert Span, Michael Pollaschak from CEWE, Markus Eisl, Luigi Caputo, Martin Parr, Christian Schörg, Ina Künne, Pulitzer Prize winner David Turnley, Cassio Vasconcellos and Pascal Maitre spoke about their exhibitions. Sascha Goldberger was represented by meteorite researcher Christian Köberl . He was followed by Lucas Lenci, Richard Ladkani and Evelyn Lynam Ruiz.
Sebastião Salgado was represented by Cyril Drouhet, Director of Photography at Le Figaro Magazine, and Jennifer Hayes & David Doubilet were represented by Seacam founder Harald Hordosch and his daughter Esther Böhmer, whose company in Voitsberg produces the best underwater housings in the world. Brent Stirton, together with scientist Pia Parolin, explained the threatening environmental developments in the Pantanal. Alain Schröder described in touching words the world of our closest relatives – the orangutans in Indonesia – which are threatened with extinction, Lorraine Turci, Nazli Abbaspour – who gave her presentation in her native language Farsi, Beth Moon spoke about the magic of the giant trees of our world, Yasuyoshi Chiba, Nadia Ferroukhi and last but not least the Australian Vee Speers.
You can view the comprehensive video here:
Visit the weekly52 blog for many more impressions from the festival…